

Moon 1

7:30 PM

Experimental jazz that explores the very essence of what the New Zealand sound truly is and should be, from a deep connection with the indigenous sonic language of Aotearoa embodied within the singularity of the pūtōrino – a wooden, whakapapa Māori instrument that is both flute and trumpet. In a bass-drums trio format, Takitoru decolonises and indigenises New Zealand jazz with a minimalist courage borne of indigenous rebellion and Tangata Tiriti allyship that rests on patience through space and connection with place, to uplift the mana and mauri of Aotearoa music. 

Umar Zakaria (Fearless Music, Best Jazz Artist Tui 2018, Sun Song Suites 2022, Riduan Zalani, Myele Manzanza, Norio Maeda, Snorre Kirk, Fabia Mantwill, Ben Wendel) – double bass
Shaun Anderson (The Jac, Saving Grace, Depths) – drums
Rob Thorne, Ngāti Tumutumu/Tainui (Rattle, Subtext, Saplings, Atoll Records) – pūtōrino 

Venue Details

Moon 1 167 Riddiford Street, Newtown